Saturday, November 5, 2011

Blog Assignment #11

Ms. Cassidy's First Graders

Future of Learning

 Ms.  Cassidy's video displays the various activities her first grade students are partaking in with the help of technology.  I am amazed at the functions these young children are capable of performing.  My first formal computer class that taught just basic skills did not take place until I was in 8th grade.  The children in this video are performing operations on programs that did not even exist until my senior year in high school.  When I think about how much of an advantage these children have over me and the opportunity that has been provided to them that I never dreamed of possessing makes me feel it is a waste of potential and doing students a disservice to NOT utilize the tools technology provides.  As seen in the video, students have the chance to expand their writing skills.  In her Skype Interview  with Dr. Strange and former EDM 310 students, Ms. Cassidy expresses that some of her student's blogs contain only one sentence.  I find that fascinating in that most first grader's skills sets do not allow them to write a full sentence until half way through their first grade year.  To me, this is proof of one example of the positive impacts writing blogs can have on a student's education.  Another aspect of blogging that I feel is beneficial for students is the ability they have to interact with individuals from other countries.  This type of interaction allows young students to think beyond their own environment and experience a multitude of traditions from a variety of other cultures all while building rich interpersonal skills.  The only possible downfall I can foresee as a result of this use of technology in the classroom is not knowing how to balance time spent on the computers with time children spend in face to face interaction.  There really are no excuses to not use technology in the classroom, as Ms. Cassidy explains, most of what she knows she taught herself.  


  1. Good job. Another positive aspect about a student having their own blog is that they can go back and look at how much they've learned since the beginning!

  2. Hey Ashley,

    I too was impressed with the level of technology that these kids know how to use. I come from a school that really didn't utilize technology very much. My first technology class was in 8th grade as well, but all we really did was sit around and talk or play games on the computer. It was basically pointless because the teacher didn't care about it.

    I do think that blogging can help develop writing and grammar skills in very young children, and I was glad to see that Ms. Cassidy's children were so advanced. Others being able to see and comment on their blogs also helps to get them excited about learning!
    Good job, Ashley!
